Saturday, 22 March 2014

School of Tarbiyah and the Muwasofat

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

It is not everything, but everything start from it..

To build up this building, it is not an easy and playful work..yes it is enjoy, but enjoy is not meaning playful.

 مَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ أَن يُؤۡتِيَهُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ وَٱلۡحُكۡمَ وَٱلنُّبُوَّةَ ثُمَّ يَقُولَ لِلنَّاسِ كُونُواْ عِبَادً۬ا لِّى مِن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ وَلَـٰكِن كُونُواْ رَبَّـٰنِيِّـۧنَ بِمَا كُنتُمۡ تُعَلِّمُونَ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ وَبِمَا كُنتُمۡ تَدۡرُسُونَ 
" It is not (possible) for any human being to whom Allâh has given the Book and Al-Hukm (the knowledge and understanding of the laws of religion) and Prophethood to say to the people: "Be my worshippers rather than Allâh's." On the contrary (he would say): "Be you Rabbaniyyun (learned men of religion who practise what they know and also preach others), because you are teaching the Book, and you are studying it."
(Tidaklah patut bagi seseorang manusia yang Allah berikan kepadanya Kitab agama dan hikmat serta pangkat Nabi, kemudian dia tergamak mengatakan kepada orang ramai: Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang yang menyembahku dengan meninggalkan perbuatan menyembah Allah. Tetapi (sepatutnya dia berkata): Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang Rabbaniyin (yang hanya menyembah Allah Taala dengan ilmu dan amal yang sempurna), kerana kamu sentiasa mengajarkan isi Kitab Allah itu dan kerana kamu selalu mempelajarinya.)

Everything is come from Allah, and will come back to Him..

Dakwah is nothing without Tarbiyah,
Tarbiyah is nothing without Test,
Test is nothing without Patience,
Patience is nothing without Continous,
Continous is nothing without Love,
Love is nothing without Prove,
Prove is nothing without Sacrifice..
..and your sacrifice is worthless if not for Allah..

Let's spread the love of Allah; Tarbiyah

it is connecting people,

it is calm and peace,

it is about love,

it is sharing and caring,

life is nothing without it.. :-)

Usually you would hear this in one of your usrah, and its basically one of the most basic things you should know as someone who is starting to teeter on the road of Tarbiyah.

Relax yourself.

Up!! Read This..

10 Muwasofat of Tarbiyah.

1. Salimul Aqidah ('Healthy' Faith)

Basically it means the correct and the acknowledged Aqidah muslims adhere to. Now, these days, you know, there are lots of branches of Aqidah, and some of them transgress from the Path of The Righteous. The correct Aqidah are those of the As Syairah, Salafi or the Al Maturidiyah, which were all comprised in Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah. (I'd rather not debate on which is better, because all of them are accepted).

It is important to remember that only a correct Faith is not sufficient. Faith should be strong and concrete. Indestructible. Imperturbable. Undoubted. The problems of most Muslims nowadays is that they do not understand, or perhaps, do not believe their Aqidah in ther right way they should, and as strong enough they should, maybe because of lack of knowledge about them and failure to seek for the discernment. Aqidah is the core of Islam, and it breeds the correct way of life Islam teaches, guides us from our lusts, makes us realize the purpose of our lives, act in the way of the Quran and the Sunnah. When aqidah is wretched, the whole individual become a distorted model of Islam, and that is precisely why nowadays we can arbitrarily distinguish the word Muslim and Islam, when both of the words actually correlate with each other. Islam's true notions seems very inspiring and captivating, but Muslims seems disappointing and pathetic to the eyes of crowd.

2. Sahihul Ibadah (correct Ibadah)

Sorry I cannot translate 'Ibadah'.

Two of the preconditions for an accepted Ibadah by Allah are sincerity and accordance to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.  This means that, if an Ibadah is not done for the sake of Allah or it does not follow the Fiqh as taught by the scholars based in the Quran or the Sunnah, it will be rejected in the evaluation of Allah. So, this is where the debate about Bid'ah came in or perhaps, why some muslims cannot become true muslims as they were supposed to when they perform Ibadah correctly. Mind you that Ibadah is a signification of submission towards God - a symbol that we are merely slaves, that we need Him, that we serve Him and Him only. When Ibadah is not practiced by its true essence to the heart of a sincere believer, it will not produce an impact on the life of its practitioner, which explains, for example, why Allah's verse in Surah Al Ankabut: 45, seems rarely to happen and apply in the present.

Ibadah should increase a slave's awarness that he is in the world for a big mission and that should make him not transgress to the worldly matters excessively, and not commit sins deliberately. Al Imam Hasan Al Banna puts Ibadah as the second trait next to Aqidah because its the second most important thing for a Muslim and that it is the sole purpose of Mankind being borned into this world.

3. Matinul Khuluq (virtuous behaviour)

It seems so wrong translating these words. Sigh.

Basically, Khuluq is Akhlak, or what we call as behaviour in English. Again, this trait's well being depends on the credibility of your Aqidah, because a good Aqidah emanates a good behaviour.

That's it I think. About how a good akhlak should look like, I'd rather make a book out of it than typing in this blog. Since that is never going to be the case, find some other books okay. Roger and out.

4. Qadiran ala Kasbi (Independent in working, managing etc2)

The ability to survive. To earn a living. Using the halal way, of course. Not much to talk about here. Since I got scholarshop every month, so perhaps the hardships are not obvious just yet. Huhuh.

To illustrate, let us pretend we are gonna lost our money. Or our source of income. And then, somehow, let say we don't have any parents anymore to help us (No relatives whatsoever). Can we survive? How? Do we meet the requirements? Are we a good muslim in that sense? Do we rant and regret? Scream and billow like nobody's business? Or do we formulate a way to continue living, while submitting everything to Allah? WHAT IS OUR ATTITUDE at these kind of situations?

Survivality is a vital trait. You may be pious, you may be righteous, but the world ain't coming to you if sit still waiting for food to descend from the sky. And survivality encompasses diverse matters, from the smallest matters such as having pet cats and not kicking em (Ouch), being able to cook well, having a wife and knowing how to devise words in order to be romantic, having a car and knowing how to operate it like a man. and to the largest matters such as raising your children, and benefiting the community.

Oh, I am out of the topic already.

5. Muthaqqafal Fikri (Knowledgable)

I like this one. But still, I fail to become one.

Muslims should know a lot about current issues, prominent world issues, controversial issues and all the issues that relate to Islam. But please bear in mind that entertainment, gossips, and filthy politics are not even close enough to awesome issues, because these issues only brings sins when discovered. A Muslim, in a sense, should be able to encounter an argument posed by an non believer, or answer a question asked by a dear friend. A muslim should have wide knowledge about the Islamic Jurisdiction and Fiqh, as it will determine how we practice Islam in its entirety.

Muslims should have the thirst for knowledge more than any other non believers do, because the first word revealed in the Quran is 'Read' which indicates the urgency and the importance of knowledge. Let's put both knowledge of dunya and knowledge of akheerah on the same par. Fiqh, Aqidah, Ibadah and Seerah are as important as medical, engineering, economics, architectural studies. Yeah, believe me.

6. Qawiyyal Jism (Strong body [literal translation])

No. Don't try to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Just be decent. Not thin like a straw. Not too fat like bags too.

The point here is that a Muslim is someone able to be utilized for the betterment of Islam. For dakwah specifically. A weak Muslim cannot work. A weak Muslim will always get sick. In fact, a weak Muslim shows that he or she does not obey and understand the fosterage of the Prophet to live healthily. Don't brag about all the deeds you have, or about your so-called piousness, when you cannot even resist yourself from eating ravenously (when it comes to eating).

The Prophet was a great man physically. If you care to read Syamail Muhammadiyah, or listen to some lectures, you would realize how having a pot belly is so not cool. Seriously, you even smell like a rotten tomato, how could you even say you are one of Prophet's followers? And you can even live in a room full of grey disease-bringing 'cottons'? With lichen here and there making your room as green as a cave?

Wake up people. Muslims are the cleanest humans. Muslims are strong men and tough women.

7. Mujahadah ala Nafsi (High resistance towards lust/temptations)
Jihad (resisting) against the nafs (lust and desires) is the biggest and the noblest fight in Islam. When people neglect this fact, we see all the corruption in today's world, from the smallest as smoking, to the largest as massive massacres. It is lust that dehumanize people.

As a student, I would say, money, games and girls (for girls, its boys) are the greatest temptations. Lust, however, only works on those with weak imans, and let's pray hard that we are not gonna be one of them.

8. Hariithun ala Waqtihi (Expert time manager)

Time is not gold. Its life. And time is the only irreplacable thing in the world, apart from your mum and dad. So, take this seriously people. When time is not managed well, Muslims become unproductive. That's why we never see Muslim version of Steve's Jobs, or even the Islamic version of Richard Branson.

Time should be used most for the purpose of this ayah - AzZariyat: 56. Divide your days into parts. And make sure its balanced. If you can have 5 hours for your worldly matters, make sure you have that much time for your akheerah. Or at least, try to. A muslim's life should be bounded by the five prayers, and we do things with purpose, abiding to the limits, effectively.

9. Munazzamun fi syu'unih (Systematic in organizing matters)

Yes. Muslims are the best organizers and managers. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Don't do last minute work. Devise whatever necessary. Manipulate your study skills. Utilize the work environment. Strategize Dakwah (ugh.. this is the hardest). Pretty much sums it up.

10. Nafi'un li ghairih (Beneficial to others).
The real winner are those who can succeed and can make others succeed as well.

Help people regardless of who they are. Don't discriminate, and don't practice double standards (unless you have good reasons). Care about them because you don't want them to be tossed into the Hellfire. Because Muslims are the most compassionate people, like Rasulullah was to his followers and to the non believers of his time. How nice of him.

Sometimes, friends of mine ask about whyshould we work so hard to help people? They can do it themselves - Its not worth it. Well, I say, you never know which good deeds of yours Allah really values. Remember the story of the woman who went to Jannah just because giving a dog some water to drink? Why should we even think when we wanna help people for good purposes? Wouldn't the world be nicer then? Heck. Really looking forward to that.

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